What problem did your team solve/address?
As a team, we focused on how immigration has been a social crisis that has deeply affected individuals living within our neighborhood of Lennox. Assimilating within a new culture and in addition to having fear against the mass deportations that immigrants face are two out of the many difficulties that many have to undergo through, in order to live the 'American Dream' that is aspired. Immigrants of all diversities deserve to know their rights and the resources they can utilize in order to survive within a foreign country, like the United States. How is this need aligned with your impact area? This need is aligned with our impact area because most of our community, is made up of mostly Latinos. This type of ethnicity constitutes of a large percent of the immigrants that come to the United States. According to the chart to the right, the top three immigrant ethnicities, in the order of the most existent in the United States, include Latinos (58%), Asian (23%), and European (1 1 %). On the other hand, several of our parents are individuals that have a impactful story of their trip to the US. Many of them come to live a better economic and peaceful lifestyle, where they can form their own families. Similarly, there are also DACA students in our school who also came to pursue an education that can benefit their future for the better. What research did you do to find out, what has come before or already exists? The research that, as a team, we discovered included a variety of different sources that was offered in our fair that we had in March. Most of these resources benefit immigrants in some way. The following includes a list of what was offered at our fair, and the research we used to make this project come to life: 1. Naturalization Process 2.Important human rights (what to do if you are stopped by the police or if ICE comes to you house) 3.Misconceptions several immigrants believe 4.Scholarships for DACA students 5. Free Health clinics & English classes 6. Refugees for immigrants & their locations 7. Citizenship practice exam LINK PROVIDED: (BOTH IN ENGLISH & SPANISH): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KpSrajAp6CrwQbS1wmNQewim3RuhmKb5pePZJ3lJ01c/edit?usp=sharing How did you identify the problem that you wanted to solve? We identified the problem we tried to solve by looking at a common predicament or problem several of our community members were experiencing. We conducted surveys and asked students in our school if they thought that this topic really connected to their lives. On the other hand, due to the problem that has arisen within our society concerning the new regulations and laws that our new president has brought forth, we believe that it would be an ideal topic to address. What evidence (observational data, test scores, or research) did you use to identify this issue? We utilized online research for our project, and additionally we included separate interviews that were conducted upon immigration lawyers and immigrants to understand their past experiences of this social crisis. Our research mostly involved going into depth about the impact of how deportations influence family life in our Latino-based community and how it unfortunately leads to undesirable effects upon both parents and students. The following link demonstrates our online research, while the video documentary will present the interviews that were conducted: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CmZxnQd_cS-eH4y4AfUOIEi3-8nYmyfRaQmj69GMl5Y/edit?usp=sharing |